About Us

PA Server Seller Training Co.
We are a Veteran owned Pennsylvania company dedicated to educating the hospitality industry in Responsible Alcohol Management through training.
We recognize your needs as a Professional Server Seller to stay current with the laws and regulations and your professional responsibilities.
As a Server Seller whether you’re new to the hospitality industry or a long time professional this training will ensure that you and your team will be in unison in the alcohol service of your establishment.
This training focuses on understanding the effects of alcohol on your patrons, recognizing a visible intoxicated patrons, refusal of service, and combatting underage drinking. With the proper training, the likelihood of you and your establishment of being cited or face a civil lawsuit will be diminished, as well as being a better neighbor to your community.
Meet the Founder | CEO David D. Khalil
David is a U S Army Veteran and severed in the Military Police Corp.
David, started his career as an Enforcement Officer with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, enforcing the PLCB Laws & Regulations.
In 1987, the PA State Legislators switched the Enforcement duties from the PLCB to the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) creating the new Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement (PSP/BLCE) and a new title for the officers as Liquor Enforcement Officer (LEO).
Over the years David has conducted investigation for sales and furnishing alcohol to Visibly Intoxicated Patrons (VIP’s) also sales and furnishing alcohol to Minors which resulted in both Administrative Citations and Criminal arrest for theses offensives.
Seeing a need to educate the youth of Pennsylvania concerning the illegal use of alcohol. David volunteered to do speaking engagements to schools and community groups for the PSP/BLCE on the effects and the consequences of the illegal use of alcohol for minors.
David attended the PSP Instructor Development course and became a certified Instructor for the PSP. The Bur. Of Liquor Control Enforcement developed a state wide program called “CHOICES” to educate the youth of Pennsylvania concerning the underage drinking laws and there consequences. David was in the first group of LEO’s to transitioned right into the CHOICES programs as an instructor and continued to visiting schools and community groups presenting the CHOICES program.
In 2015, David retired from the PSP/BLCE and returned to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board as a Licensing Analyst Supervisor for the Bur. Of Licensing. While at the PLCB David was exposed to the interaction and hands on RAMP training that the Licensees/Mangers received by the PLCB on combatting Sales and Furnishing of Alcohol to Visibly Intoxicated Patrons and Minors.
2018 David retired from the PLCB Bur. of Licensing.
David once again feeling the need to educate found himself back in training with the PLCB RAMP as a RAMP Server Seller Classroom Instructor to educate Licensees and their staff on the Laws and Regulations concerning sales and furnishing alcohol to VIP’s and Minors. Ensuring that those attending also aware of both the Administrative and Criminal action that be taken against both the Licensees and their staff. Also on how alcohol will affect their patron, signs of intoxication, severing and proper ID techniques.
David decided to expanded his ability to educate Licensees and their Staff by developing a RAMP Server Seller training website.